Class shirt & Class Trip

First of all, here's the FINAL design for class shirt!

Front Design 01

Front Design 02


Please VOTE for the FRONT DESIGN that you fancy at the poll at the navigation bar. We won't change the back design anymore and that's FINAL.

The poll will close on SUNDAY at 12 MID NIGHT.

IF we can get people to do the shirt with names on it at a cheap rate i.e RM 25-40, we will put your name on the hoodie part. In other words, you will have your own name on your class shirt!

Also, some of you suggested to add monkey on the shirt, but unfortunately you must understand that NOT all of us in class are born in the year of monkey. Some early January people will feel offended if we do that, so please be considerate.


Here's the information about our class trip.

Duration : 4 days 3 nights
Date : 17th - 20th of December ( The day after prom )
Location : Langkawi + Penang
Price : RM 390 (this doesn't include snorkling)
Deposit : RM150

You will have to bring along RM130 for snorkling. We will be doing snorkling at Pulau Payar. For more information about Pulau Payar click here !

Do the maths, for people who wants to go for snorkling, your trip will be RM 390 + RM 130 = RM 520

If you are not interested with snorkling, you have other options like banana boats, building sand castle? HAHAHAHA

Our bus will leave at 5.00AM in the morning on the 17th of December!

Please make up your mind and confirm with Shuk Pui on MONDAY whether you want to join the class trip. This might be our last trip together. Don't miss this precious chance! Pay the deposit on FRIDAY


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Welcome to the official 5S2'09 website!

5S2 2009 was formed with the purpose of uniting people from class 5S2 year 2009. This website provides an avenue for discussion, sharing, communication and also delivers official news of class 5S2 year 2009. This is a personal website and it is not affiliated with Catholic High School, PJ.